Christmas is an incredible time for Christians around the world. Many cultures are invented from Christmas, such as gifts, trees, Santa Clause, and lights. But Christmas lights are one of the most iconic decorations at this moment. With this ornament, people adorn trees or houses with sparkling lights. It turns out there’s history and facts you didn’t know about Christmas Lights Outdoor Thus, here is the info!

Interesting Facts About Christmas Lights
1. Meaning behind Christmas Lights
For Christians, lights carry the meaning that Jesus brings light to the world and saves it from the darkness, representing the goodness and hope in the world. However, another opinion says that the light from the bonfire will bring warmth back after a long winter. Christmas lights cannot be separated from the Christmas tree because these two things are related.
The Christmas tree itself also has its meaning, and it is said that a man named Martin Luther had been walking in the forest and was fascinated by the stars. He took one or three and decorated them with candles or star decorations, so he could remember the beauty he had seen that night. That idea spread worldwide and became a particular trademark for Christmas Lights Outdoor.
It’s incomplete if the Christmas tree is not equipped with stars and sparkling lights. The star in the Bible represents the star that had appeared in the sky after Jesus was born, after which he led three Majus people, known as “Three King”, whose Baltasar, Melkior, and Kaspar. The star also carries meaning as a guide for Christians to always follow Jesus like lightning.
2. History of Christmas Lights
In the past, people used candles as a means of lighting at Christmas. But as time goes by, people decorate using LED lights that don’t consume much power but don’t heat up like candles. There’s a reason why people started to use electric lamps instead of candles. It all started with Thomas Alva Edison and his friend Edward H Johnson.
When the people back then used candles to decorate their Christmas lights outdoor, many cases of house fires were found because of the fire that burned the Christmas tree. But fortunately, Edison’s friend, Johnson at that time, was thinking of the idea of electric lights for the Christmas tree so that the fire cases would never happen anymore.
3. Modern Fancy Lights for Christmas

The facts say that the world is still not ready to accept the changes from traditional to modern style. Electric lights took almost 40 years to become a practice at Christmas. One of the things that made its development slow at that time was the cost of making electric lights was very expensive compared to nowadays. Imagine it took almost 2000 dollars back then to use electric lights for Christmas lights outdoor.
In conclusion, decorating the twinkling lights is also welcomed with great fanfare as a unique tradition during Christmas. The lighting at Christmas has many meanings behind it that Jesus will always guide the Christians. Not only that, but many changes have happened until you know today using LED lights.